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Greenlit: World’s Sneakiest Animals, BBC2 / PBS

World’s Sneakiest Animals (3 x 60′) – Illusion, distraction, trickery and disguise – deception comes in all kinds of guises. And it’s rife in the animal kingdom.

Over three episodes, presenter Chris Packham will explore how amazing new science is showing that cheating happens in almost all species alive while revealing how simple tricks have evolved into complex and amazing deceptions.

Survival isn’t always about being the biggest or fittest – some survival strategies are more devious, involving shape shifting, distraction and decoys. When finding food, the ‘hunger games’ brings out the deceiver in an animal and Chris will explore the world of ‘aggressive mimicry’, where imitation is used to attack. When it comes to reproduction, trickery in the natural world is rampant. To win and keep a mate, and bring up offspring, animals use every trick, from adultery to cross-dressing.

In this series, we’ll meet many duplicitous animals, including illusionist zebras, ventriloquist owls and even a cross-dressing lion.

Channel: BBC2/ PBS

Producer: BBC NHU


Source: BBC press release


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