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Greenlit: Fake! The Great Masterpiece Challenge, Sky Arts

Fake! The Great Masterpiece Challenge – A top secret operation has seen millions of pounds worth of priceless masterpieces removed from the collections of galleries and museums around the UK. In a further twist, the seven paintings – all by celebrated British Artists – have been switched for copies.
Only the museum curators and presenters Giles Coren and art historian Rose Balston, know which pictures are real and which have been replaced.
Throughout July 2016, members of the public of all ages and experience are invited to use their detective skills to spot the seven copies hiding in plain sight on the walls of six galleries in Cardiff, Edinburgh, Liverpool, London and Manchester. Those with a keen eye, who manage to correctly identify the ‘fakes’, stand the chance of being invited to take part in the series finale. The finalists will compete to win a specially commissioned copy of their very own.
Each programme in the series will shine a light on a particular period of British Art, featuring interviews with specialist curators from each gallery and the contemporary artists who have been commissioned to secretly recreate the masterpieces from scratch. During the competition, curator-led tours of these collections are available at each gallery.

Platform: Sky Arts

Producer: IWC Media

TX: Early 2017

Source: Sky press release


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