The Hero Effect (10 x 30′) – Docuseries co-hosted by Donald Driver (NFL Super Bowl champion, Dancing With the Stars) and actress/advocate Emily Wilson (The Newsroom, Castle), that brings to life the stories of ordinary individuals who are making extraordinary differences in their communities. Shot on location in ten different communities across the USA, each episode will celebrate everyday heroes that facilitate beneficial, life-changing impact on the people around them. The heroes featured in the series were identified in part through nominations from the 1,200 local United Ways across the country. Each episode concludes with a call-to-action, encouraging viewers to visit and connect with their local United Way or other community-based organizations to create positive change.
Episode One: Founded by Stephen Moss, who was inspired after his daughter returned from deployment injured, Mission United supports military veterans and their families.
Episode Two: Chef Chad Houser created this Dallas-based restaurant and culinary training facility to transform the lives of at-risk youth who have spent time in juvenile facilities.
Episode Three: Brook Bello used her story of survival as a way to reach out to other victims of human trafficking to help them heal and restore their own lives.
Episode Four: Maria Gomez, a nurse in the District of Columbia’s Department of Health, founded this federally qualified health center to provide health care, family literacy and social services to individuals whose needs too often go unmet.
Episode Five: Carolyn Jons leads the effort to help improve language and literacy development in children, and nurture healthy family relationships.
Episode Six: Founded by John and Tom D’Eri, Rising Tide Carwash hires individuals with autism and teaches them job skills to help them on a path towards independent living.
Episode Seven: Founded by Judy Cockerton, Treehouse is a multi-generational affordable community connecting the elderly with families in foster care or who have been adopted.
Episode Eight: 17-year-old Katie Stagliano started this organization to teach kids about growing vegetables and how providing those crops to disadvantaged populations can help fight hunger.
Episode Nine: Project leader Julie Garreau works with young people from poverty stricken Native American families in the Eagle Buttle, SD, community to create services that foster healthy choices and life practices.
Episode Ten: Jack Viorel leads this organization, which empowers disadvantaged, medically fragile and special needs children by exposing them to the ocean environment and teaching them to surf.
Platform: OWN
Producer: Dolphin Entertainment
TX: 12th November 2016
Source: Discovery press release
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