The programme is accompanied by a special smart phone app called Time Warper, developed by scientists at the University of Surrey. The Surrey University app will show the different rates at which time flows across the country. Users will be able to see just how much their personal clock is affected by Albert Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity, with the results being used to create a special time flow gravity map of Britain to be revealed during the show.
For the documentary, Professor Al-Khalili will visit the LIGO interferometer telescope in Louisiana where gravitational waves predicted by Einstein a century ago, were detected for the very first time earlier this year. Among the classic experiments repeated during the programme, there will also be a studio based demonstration with metal balls, ramps and water clocks to recreate Galileo’s first ever experiments on gravity.
Platform: BBC4
Producer: Furnace TV
TX: 2017
Source: BBC press release
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